Body Calculators
Here you can find necessary body calculator for your purpose. We’ve prepared different tools to help you with calculations of such parameters:
- Body proportions;
- Body fat and lean mass;
- Ideal weight;
- Different types of Weight Watchers points;
- Burned calories;
- Full body analysis and others.
Body calculators use different formulas. They simplify calculations, so that you have to enter only your body measurements.
Body calculator: check yourself
Healthy body calculator should be used as introductory and recommendatory tool. It allows you to see the norms and compare it with your result. However, the standard is not always your goal. Calculators may be designed for specific groups of people, such as overweight people or bodybuilders and athletes.
In addition, most of appearance calculators give the opportunity to choose your gender before the beginning of a calculation. Thus, you can activate both the mode of female body calculator and the mode male body calculator. Depending on this the result may differ.