Weight watcher activity points calculator — Know the result

Weight watcher activity points calculator is the instrument for people who follow the WW plan (Weight Watchers plan) as a weight loss program. It is suitable for both the points plus system (added points system) and the original points system.

WW activity points — what is it?

Weight watchers activity points are the unit of measurement for evaluation of your workout or individual exercises. 1 WW activity points means:

  • approximately 100 burned calories due to the original WW points system;
  • approximately 75–80 burned calories due to the points plus system.

How to calculate weight watcher activity points?

Weight watchers activity points calculation is based on the weight multiplied by the duration (in minutes) times the intensity factor.  Here is the weight watchers activity points formula:

Activity Points = Human Weight × Duration in Minutes × Factor (Exercise Level)

Weight watchers activity points calculator counts the result itself. All you need is to fill in the gabs.

What is workout intensity?

WW activity points calculator needs such information about you as weight, workout duration, exercise level and points plan. All of them must be clear to you except exercise level (workout intensity/intensity level) which is needed to be measured. For this reason you should look at the table:

Intensity level Coefficient value (Original Points Plans Coefficient value (Added Points Plans) How to recognize?
Low 0.0002332 0.00033 During such a workout:

·         You can talk without shortness of breath.

·         Your breathing is regular.

·         You are not sweating.

Medium (moderate) 0.000327 0.00047 During such a workout:

·         You are breathing deep and often.

·         You start to sweat after about 10 minutes.

·         It becomes more difficult to speak, so you break your speech into separate phrases and sentences.

High 0.0008077 1 0.00117 During such a workout:

·         You are breathing heavy.

·         Sweating starts after 3 to 5 minutes.

·         You may be able to talk only briefly or it is almost impossible.

( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )
Mathematician/ author of the article
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