Percent Discount Calculator | How to calculate discount?

Sale items are worth less than the original price. To make it easier for you to calculate how much you need to pay, we have developed this discount calculator. Using the percentage discount calculator, you can calculate not only the final cost after applying discounts, but also how much you save on your purchase.

Price before discount

How to calculate discount & discounted price?

Calculation of the discounted price will be the same as percentage off price calculator does:

Final price = Original price – (Original price × Discount percentage / 100)

To calculate an amount of money you may save, it is necessary to use a little bit other formula:

Discount benefit = Original price × Discount percentage / 100

The origin price means the old cost before applying discounts. Discount percentage is just a discount in percent (for example, -5%, -75%, etc.). The final price is the discounted price, which is reduced by the amount equal to the discount.

Just plug your values ​​into the formulas and you’ll get the correct result. However, it is much easier to do this with our percent discount calculator. To calculate the result, you only need to enter the old price and the percentage discount. Enter your numbers and click on the button to get an answer.

Examples how to calculate discount percentage

Let’s calculate discount percentage together:

Calculation of 10% off

In this case, you can simply divide the starting price by 10. This will be your discount in monetary terms. This is a simplified calculation scheme that speeds up the calculation, in which the price is divided by 100, and then multiplied by 10. It’s the same thing. To calculate the final price after applying the discount, this amount is subtracted from the original cost.

For example, if the initial cost of the product was $500, discount benefit would be $50 ($500/10 or $500/100×10), while the final cost would be equal to $450 ($500 – $50).

What is 20% off?

20 percent off (discount –20%) is calculated in such way:

  1. Divide the original cost by 100 and multiply it by 20. This is the amount saved.
  2. Subtract the result from the original price. Well done, it is the discounted value you should pay.

Let’s take $1000 as the initial value. To take 20% off, we divide $1000 by 100 (=$10) and multiply it by 20 (=$200). The result will be $200 which is our discount benefit. The final price in this example is calculated by subtracting $200 from original cost $1000. It means 800% after discounting.

How to calculate discount rate 30%?

To find out the discount amount of money saved and the final cost you should follow the same instruction using the discount percentage 30%.

For instance, if the sales price was $150, you would calculate discount step by step:

  1. Divide the original cost by 100. Now it is $1.5 (as 1% of the initial amount).
  2. Multiply it by 30. $45 is the amount you saved.
  3. Subtract $45 from the original price and you would get $105.

How much is 50% off of the price?

To calculate discount 50%, it is possible just to divide the starting price in half. The result will be equal to both the amount of money saved and the final price.

Let’s take $700 as an example of original price:

  1. Divide $700 in half and get $350 as discount benefit.
  2. Subtract $350 from $700 and get $350 as a final price.

What if the discount is 75% off?

If you’re shopping and the discount of your purchase is 75%, it means that only a quarter of the amount will remain of the original price. How the price discount calculator determines it:

  1. It divides the sum by 100 and multiplies by 75 (or just multiplies by 0.75). That is the result of saved amount.
  2. Then sales discount calculator subtracts the result from initial price you’ve entered.

For example, if you enter the price $60, the discount will be equal to $45, while the final price you need to pay will be $15 (quarter of $60).

Calculate 90 percent-off

Calculation for 90% discount is so:

  1. You divide the cost by 100 and multiply by 90 (it is allowed just to multiply price by 0.9) to get the amount you can save.
  2. Then it is necessary to subtract the result from starting price.

If the starting price is $200, you will save $180, while after-discount price will be $20.

( 7 assessment, average 5 from 5 )
Mathematician/ author of the article
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