Percent Calculator

Calculate the percentage
is what percent of
0.00 %
Add this percentage
Subtract this percentage
Of what number
What is the percent change from
0.00 %
Number of digits after the decimal point

If you need to calculate percentage of a number, you can do any math operation here. There are 6 helpful calculators that are used for different purposes:

Calculate percentage of a number

  • The first percentage calculator is for classic operations. It answers the question “How to find percentage of number?”. For example: what is 15% of 500?

What percent of a number is another number?

  • The second percentage calculator is the tool that calculates percentage between two numbers. For example: 45 is what percent of 300.

Add percentage calculator

  • The third one is necessary to add percent to number. It might be used as surcharge calculator, tips calculator, tax calculator or some else when you need to add a percentage. For example: $1500 + 12% or 5000 + 36.5%.

Subtract percentage calculator

  • The next one is subtract percent calculator. Similar to previous calculator it can subtract percentage. Such a tool makes it possible to calculate discounted price as well as any other value. For example: $500 – 25% or 30 586 – 11,4%.

Reverse percentage calculator

  • The fifth percent calculator is the example of a reverse percentage calculator when you need to check a number as a percent of another number. For example: 55 is 25% of what number.

Increase & decrease percentage calculator

  • The last calculator is decrease/increase percentage calculator which is needed for comparison of two numbers. This tool can calculate percent difference and show percent change between to numbers. For example: what is percent change from 500 to 350 or what is the percentage decrease from 135 to 25?

How to calculate percentage?

Depending on what exactly you need to calculate, you should enter only two parameters: a number and a percentage or two numbers. If you want to delete the data you’ve entered, click on the cross button.

( 14 assessment, average 5 from 5 )