To calculate Maryland sales tax, use our calculator. It takes into account the statewide sales tax rate which is 6% for MD, while other sales tax rates (countywide or some local) can be entered by yourself according to the data below.
What is Maryland sales tax?
Maryland sales tax rate is currently 6%. Various goods and services are taxed at different rates in Maryland, but exactly 6% tax rate without any additional local sales tax applies to most of them.
Check the table below to choose county and local sales tax rates you need.
How to calculate Maryland sales tax?
MD sales tax is statewide tax rate which is the same for all locations in this state. That is why Maryland sales tax calculator doesn’t need to take into account the local tax rates (depending on the county/district/city, etc.). These fields can be left unchanged. Leave the original values ”0″ for the calculation.
MD sales tax calculator will find out the result due to such data:
County Name | Maximum Tax Rate |
Allegany County | 6% |
Anne Arundel County | 6% |
Baltimore County | 6% |
Calvert County | 6% |
Caroline County | 6% |
Carroll County | 6% |
Cecil County | 6% |
Charles County | 6% |
Dorchester County | 6% |
Frederick County | 6% |
Garrett County | 6% |
Harford County | 6% |
Howard County | 6% |
Kent County | 6% |
Mineral County | 6% |
Montgomery County | 6% |
Prince George’s County | 6% |
Queen Anne’s County | 6% |
Somerset County | 6% |
St Mary’s County | 6% |
Talbot County | 6% |
Washington County | 6% |
Wicomico County | 6% |
Worcester County | 6% |
Please note that the calculator helps users for informational purposes only. Exact calculation results may vary by current location and may change over time as the tax rate changes.
As there is no county-level sales tax and none of the cities or local governments collects additional local sales taxes, 6% is general MD sales tax rate for all counties and cities of this state.