To calculate Delaware sales tax, use our calculator. It takes into account the statewide sales tax rate which is 0% for DE, while other sales tax rates (countywide or some local) can be entered by yourself according to the data below.
What is Delaware sales tax?
Delaware sales tax rate is currently 0%. Yes, this state really has no sales tax. Moreover, Delaware doesn’t allow cities or counties to levy any additional sales tax. Instead of it businesses are taxed on their gross receipts, which cannot be passed on to consumers.
How to calculate Delaware sales tax?
DE sales tax is statewide tax rate which is equal to 0%. At the same time none of the cities or local governments collects additional local sales taxes. That is why the cost of the product will be the same, and you don’t need any calculations.
Please note that the calculator helps users for informational purposes only. Exact calculation results may vary by current location and may change over time as the tax rate changes.
DE sales tax calculator will save the initial price, because there is no sales tax at all.